7 Animals That Know How to Farm

If in that location's ace trait that distinguishes mankind from animals, IT's the ability to grow food.

Just you might be surprised to learn that humans were non the first farmers. A number of astonishing animals discovered agriculture long-range earlier man evolved as a species. There are insects that practice husbandry, fish that grow, and even jellyfish horticulturalists.

Farming was once believed to follow a feat reserved only for bragging-brained hairless apes, but it turns outer that animals preceptor't need a systema nervosum centrale to be given crops. Here's our heel of seven amazing animal agriculturalists.

Leaf-Cutter Ants

watchara / Shutterstock

Leaf-cutter ants aren't just farmers; they are manufacturing plant farmers. They gather leaves to cultivate a fungus that grows on the leaves. Leaf-cutter ants protect the crops from pests and model. They then feed the fungus, not the leaves, to their larvae. Galore citizenry believed these ants from Central and Southmost America Ate the leaves they collected. Or else, they farm and sometimes, like humans, have difficulty with trim failures.


David Siu / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

Much like leaf-cutter ants, many a termite species are fungus farmers. The gigantic mounds built past some white ant colonies are complex, temperature-controlled structures. These structures are essential for maintaining the ideal biological process surround for their plant food author. The termites start by mastication the embed material and alimentation it to the fungus. The fungus then grows into mushrooms, creating a nutrient source for the termites.

Though considered household pests, termites form some of the most complex societies in the animal kingdom.


Greg Grimes / Flickr / CC Away-SA 2.0

These feisty farmers are the only fish known to prosecute in agriculture. Demoiselle are algae-growers. They are so protective of their crops that they have attacked opposite creatures that swim too close — regular human divers.

The alga they prefer is a species that is weak and quickly over-grazed, compared to other species of algae. If it weren't for much ordained farmers, the algae would be challenging to find. Information technology tends to survive only within the protective territories of the damselfish.

Ambrosia Beetles

Henrik_L / Getty Images

Named after the fungus they cultivate, nectar beetles are bark borers that grow their crops within decaying trees.

A common misconception is that these beetles eat the Ellen Price Wood. In reality, they bore through the woodwind and introduce the ragweed fungi that they eat. Once a chamber is fill out, the beetles carefully tend to their crop, which feeds both adults and larvae. The beetles often leave a ring of what looks like sawdust around the tree as they push the excelsior out of the holes they bore.


Joshua McMichael / Flickr / Cardinal BY-SA 2.0

Several pismire species herd aphids in much the same way that humans keep Bos taurus for milk. Instead of milk, aphids excrete a syrupy liquid called honeydew that the ants devour.

Ants attend great lengths to cherish their aphids, often training them to defecate in a way that makes it easier for the ants to gather and eat the honeydew. In fact, the well-trained aphids volition often withhold their honeydew melon until they are stroked and "milked" by ants.

Even more fascinating, ants volition typically carry their aphids to unexampled pasture lands and protect them from predators. In extreme cases, ants volition clip cancelled their tame aphids' wings to foreclose them from aflare away when they mature. They even encourage a integrate of aphids, thus they have a balance between types.

Marsh Periwinkles

Mary Hollinger, NESDIS/NODC biologist, NOAA / Flickr / Cubic centimeter BY 2.0

Marsh periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata), a type of snail typically found throughout the Southeastern United States, prefer to feast on a fungus that they farm in wounds connected cordgrass leaves.

These knowing snails use their saw-toothed, tongue-like radula to cut grooves into cord grass leaves, creating the perfect growing environment for their popular fungus.

Scientists take up flat patterned snails have fertilizing their Fields by defecating in the grooves, further helping the fungus grow.

Spotted Jellies

Brian Gratwicke / Flickr / Ml BY 2.0

Spotted jellies, also legendary as lagoon jellies, grow algae food inside their tissues.

During the daylight, spotted jellies typically orientate themselves bell lateral down and tentacles up. This position ensures the photosynthetic crop in their tentacles gets enough light. They spend most of their prison term chasing the daytime and tending their internal gardens.

Yeti Crabby person

Shane Ahyong / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 2.5

Abominable snowman crabs produce bacteria on their hairy claws. Geological researchers found the pediculosis pubis when looking methane seeps in the ocean off of Rib Rica; the bacteria get their energy from the inorganic gases coming from sea vents. The crabs wave their claws to create movement in the water — this, successively, feeds the bacteria with the oxygen and sulphide it inevitably to grow. When the crab is ready to eat, information technology uses comblike mouthparts to harvest its meal from the bristles.